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1. This project will not solve all of Helena’s housing issues.

a. This project will become an important asset in the community but will only be able to house ~48 individuals or small families.

b. There are four layers of housing needed:

            1. Emergency Shelters

            2. Transitional Housing

            3. Permanent Supportive Housing (Helena Inn project)

            4. Permanent Housing

2. Who will likely live in this facility?

a. People that qualify for a variety of vouchers through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programming.

b. People who need low income or income-based housing who live and work in our community. 

c. Housing Vouchers are only available to people who meet specific criteria, including: being low income, a US citizen, or non-citizen who falls within specific categories and has an eligible immigration status.

3. What is a voucher?

a. A form of rent subsidy that helps low-income individuals, families and seniors.  The amount of the voucher is based on the renter’s income and the market rate of the rental.

4. What is Permanent Supportive Housing vs Transitional Housing?

a. Transitional Housing is, by definition, temporary. It is used to bridge a gap from a crisis into permanent housing.

b. Permanent Supportive Housing is a model that combines affordable housing with voluntary support services. It serves people with a history of homelessness and helps them achieve housing stability, independent living and community integration. 

5. Why this project?

a. MT is short 16,629 rentals for people that are Extremely Low Income (30% AMI). Approximately 1,100 of those are needed in Lewis and Clark County.

b. The 2023 Point in Time Survey showed 164 unsheltered individuals in Helena.

c. 70% of our unsheltered neighbors are from the State of Montana. We need to house our neighbors.

d. This facility can house at least 48 people.

e. It is being fully inspected to guarantee safety for long term, sustainable housing. 

f. There are over 2 acres of land on this property that will allow for us to expand services for our community in the future. 

g. The price for this facility was comparable to the cost of other similar facilities in the community. 

h. The facility is within walking distance to necessary services.

6. Does the availability of this kind of facility attract more unsheltered people to our community?

a. There is no statistical evidence to support the misinformation that: “If you build it they will come.”

b. There are currently at least 40 people in our community trying to use housing vouchers for studio or 1-bedroom apartments. There are over 500 people on the 1-bedroom waitlist for Red Alder Housing. We can fill this facility with people who already live here.

7. Who will run and operate this property?

a. The day-to-day operation of this facility will be a community wide effort, organized by the United Way. Most services will be contracted out or performed under an MOU with community providers. 

Other Questions?

If you have a question we did not cover here – feel free to reach out to the staff at the United Way. Where we will find an answer for you! info@unitedwaylca.org

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